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Русские даже мертвыми не сдаются

  • 13 августа 2014
  • 4953
  • 31
  • donelliott
  • Функционал


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Какие эмоции у вас вызвала публикация? (УКАЖИТЕ НЕ БОЛЕЕ ДВУХ ВАРИАНТОВ)

Комментариев - 31
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Syria vs Ukraine - the fake and the real difference Mercenaries in the illuminati payroll attack nearly ALL the population while the theater US v Russia is staged as background. The first role is actively supporting the mercenary army. The second has the passive role, while pretending to support the attacked civilians. The "difference" in the US v Russia theater: - Syria: Russia alias the fake Putin has the active and the US the passive role; - Ukraine: it's the other way round, or in other words "Putin" has the passive role. The real difference: - in Syria the freedom fighters are aware that "Putin" is on the same side as the nazi mercenaries. - In the Ukraine the freedom fighters are not only NOT aware that "Putin" is on the same side as the nazi mercenaries but they still believe that "Putin" is on their side. ** angelic-vladimir-putin.blogspot?
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Варя Стрижак Русские не сдаются! Атака мертвецов) When Russian shouting " Hurrah " they call their fallen fathers and grandfathers who stand beside them. And one fights like ten . rose ... people Sound of mortal combat endless ! even dead came to life again , they went out from raw graves so live help in a fierce battle , to readmit death for the Motherland! And who was weak - then became strong . And who was strong - became more stronger. And shouting shocked enemies : " Maybe Russian bewitched ? They will burn with fire, and they live ! they pierced boom and they live ! They kill a hundred times , and they live ! And they live and fight ! .. "?
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Beautiful... Like a Patriots Prayer?
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skoko tebje let??
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